Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Civil Practice Act of 1911, Crimes and Punishments Act of 1911 and Criminal Practice Act of 1911

The 1911 Legislature passed three acts on civil procedure, crime and criminal practice which legal researchers still occasionally reference.   If you find yourself confronted with 1911 CPA, 1911 C&P or 1911 Cr. Prac. and want to know why you can't find a citation to the Statutes of Nevada or a copy of the act, it is because they were not published.  Here is the explanation from the Legislative Counsel's Preface to the 2011 Nevada Revised Statutes:
In the case of the Civil Practice Act, Criminal Practice Act and Crimes and Punishments Act of 1911, which were omitted from Statutes of Nevada 1911 as authorized by chapter 84, Statutes of Nevada 1911, the reviser has employed the following abbreviations in the legislative history:
  • 1911 CPA—Civil Practice Act of 1911
  • 1911 C&P—Crimes and Punishments Act of 1911
  • 1911 Cr. Prac.—Criminal Practice Act of 1911
(emphasis added)

And because we like to be thorough here at the Supreme Court Library, here is an image of Chap. 84 of the 1911 Statutes of Nevada:

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