Friday, July 26, 2013

Treatise Spotlight: The Complete Understanding Series

The Nevada Supreme Court Law Library subscribes to the Complete Understanding Series by LexisNexis. This series gives the reader an expansive and thorough high-quality, well-organized analysis and discussion on over 50 different law subjects. Whether it's Torts or you're struggling to understand Secured Transactions or Trusts and Estates or Evidence or Lawyers’ Ethics, etc. you'll find explanations from subject matter experts and well-known scholars and professors at some of the world's most prestigious institutions.

Titles in the Complete Understanding Series are ideally formatted to provide the reader with the essential foundation for a full and clear comprehension of the subject area, and are designed to provide an organized and accurate presentation of the material, including more in-depth treatments for particularly challenging areas. An index and glossary allow you to quickly find the material you need and look up key terms that are unique to a particular field.

To browse the books in the Law Library's collection type:

Click on Catalog and in the Quick library search box type: Understanding series.

The Library holds over 40 of the 50 titles.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Legal Drafting: A Beginner's Guide

There is an informative post on legal drafting on the Library of Congress' In Custodia Legis blog. 
Legal drafting is a very structured method of writing that can prove intimidating to the uninitiated. In this Beginner’s Guide, we will recommend some sources that will help you excel in the legal drafting process.
The Nevada Supreme Court Law Library subscribes to several of the form books listed, as well as to many others.  To browse the form books in the Law Library's collection, go to our online catalog and type:
forms (law) united states
into the Quick Library Search box and click on the Subject icon.  Or, you could just click on this link

For Nevada-specific forms, follow the instructions above but replace the words united states with nevada, or click here

Additionally, the Law Library subscribes to HeinOnline's Spinelli's Law Library Reference Shelf, which includes an extensive collection of Legal Dictionaries

Presumptive Maximum Amounts (PMA) of Child Support, Eff. 7/1/13-6/30-14

It is time for our annual post on Presumptive Maximum Amounts (PMA) of Child Support. The 2013-2014 schedule (PDF) has been posted on the court's website under Documents and Forms | Self-Help/Pro Se | Family Division Forms. Historical PMAs are also available on the court's website.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Treatise Spotlight: Collier Bankruptcy Practice Guide

Author:  Alan N. Resnick
Last Update:  Release 92, April 2013
The Collier Bankruptcy Practice Guide, written by over 40 prominent bankruptcy attorneys, is an authoritative strategic and procedural guidebook that combines legal analysis with practical procedural and strategic advice, practice aids such as checklists and forms, and the relevant rules and primary source material of all the local bankruptcy courts in a single all-inclusive guide. Each chapter begins with an overview, explaining the issues to be covered and how those issues affect bankruptcy practice. The discussion of each issue includes strategic and practical advice as well as practice aids and other timesaving features. Up-to-date coverage of developments in bankruptcy practice and procedure, including the landmark Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, insures that decisions are based on the cutting edge of the law.
The Practice Guide includes:
  • Strategic guidance and practical advice
  • Checklists for both debtor and creditor
  • Practice-tested forms, including litigation forms, with cross-references to the Practice Guide, Bankruptcy Code, and Bankruptcy Rules
  • Discussion of the Bankruptcy Rules and their impact
  • The full text of local rules for all jurisdictions, including local bankruptcy forms and orders, organized by circuit in convenient, easy-to-use, soft-bound pamphlets
Description from publisher's website.