Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Currency of Nevada Revised Statutes

The Nevada Legislature adjorned sine die on June 7, 2011 and all laws enacted by the legislature have been codified in the 2011 Reprint of the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS), which was published in November, 2011 and updated (2012 R1) in January, 2012.  The Supreme Court Library has three copies of the 2011 NRS Reprint, all of which are current.  The online version on the legislature's website is current through the 2012 R1 supp., although it is unannotated.

LexisNexis and West also publish versions of the Nevada Revised Statutes -- Michie's Nevada Revised Statutes Annotated (NRSA) and West's Nevada Revised Statutes Annotated (West's NRSA) -- and both are in the Library's collection.  Unfortunately, as of the date of this posting, neither is current through the 2011 session.  Our LexisNexis and West representatives have informed us they expect to ship the 2011 cumulative supplements (pocket parts) in mid-April, 2012.

Westlaw's Nevada Statutes database (NV-ST-ANN for all the Classic Westlaw users among us) is current through the the 2009 75th Regular Session and the 2010 26th Special Session of the Nevada Legislature.  There should be red KeyCite flags for any section that has been amended by the 2011 session and links to the Nevada Legislative Service (NV-LEGIS) database which contains the 2011 session laws.

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